"The choices we make change
the story of our life." ©
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving
We're off to Ohio to visit with my sister and her family for Thanksgiving. No snow on the ground (yet) and we are praying for safe and snow-free travel!
May God bless you and yours this Thanksgiving season.
See you after December 7th!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Preaching, Politics, Publishing, and Passion
One of the things I enjoy most about Dr. Dale Meyer, President of Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, is that he doesn't take himself too seriously. He has a very serious job and has some mighty serious things to say. Yet like the wise man he is, Dr. Meyer manages to opine with a sense of wit that brings to mind the line from act five, scene three of Shakespeare's King Lear:
"Jesters do often prove prophets."
Dr. Meyer is also one of the first unofficial bloggers long before blogging was popular. I've been receiving The Meyer Minute for years. Check it out.
I've had the opportunity to break bread with this fine gentleman. He's the real deal.
Diane Meyer assists with Book Reviews and has her own very special gift of speaking and writing. You'll want to add The Meyer Minute to your Blogline list of favorites
I'd like to share today's Meyer Minute with you. Let me know what you think. Let Dr. Meyer know what you think.
Here’s a pandemic, not spread by birds but by moths. Although there are over 100,000 species of moths, the present danger comes from a very small group of moths, so small that some entomologists are overlooking the danger to our society. The disease these moths spread enters the mind and causes speech to deteriorate. The scientific name for this dangerous group of moths is lepidoptera perniciosa, commonly called the “cameramoth.” Like most moths that come out at night and fly toward light, these camera moths are attracted to TV cameras for the evening network and cable news shows. There is lepidoptera perniciosa senatorum, lepidopteraperniciosa congressorum, and lepidoptera perniciosa politicorumstategistorum, commonly called camera moths of the Senate, House, and political parties. Not that it’s wrong to be on TV but these camera moths use their celebrity to attack others for their own advancement or for the advancement of their species. When they’re in the TV lights, they slam their opponents on every imaginable subject. Meanwhile, mindless viewers are infected and forget how to engage in civil political discourse.
“Everything is permissible – but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible – but not everything is constructive. Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.”
(1 Corinthians 10:23 -24).
Is there any way to turn the light out on these camera moths?
The End of Today's Meyer Minute
And that's what's on my mind today.

Sunday, November 13, 2005
Christian Speakers - Thrive Simulcast Held.11/12/05
#1. Today is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Please stop to pray for those in our country ... er, oops, I mean in "other countries" who are persecuted for their beliefs.
#2. Read another story from God Answers Prayers Military Edition as featured on Crosswalk.com. Veteran's Daughter Recalls Dad's Heroism in "Forgotten" War. Story by contributing author, Audrey Kletscher Helbling.
#3. Check out La Shawn Barber's blog post today: FIVE QUESTIONS FOR MUSLIMS. Read down the page for a fascinating article on racial bias - color profiling. Bravo La Shawn!
Okay ... back to our regularly scheduled program ...
What a blessing yesterday was for me – and for tens of thousands of women across the country! The THRIVE Simulcast was held yesterday in Atlanta, Georgia and was broadcast via satellite to churches around the USA, Canada, Mexico, and Puerto Rico.
The annual event featured a line up of amazing speakers, including my dear friends, Florence Littauer, Michelle McKinney Hammond, Carol Kent, and Liz Curtis Higgs.
NOTE TO READERS: I tried to upload photos for this post to appear in this area, but alas my system kept crashing. Does anyone have suggestions about this? I've tried everything ... back to the posting ...
There wasn’t a dry eye in the house as Carol Kent shared her powerful testimony as written in her latest book: When I Lay My Isaac Down – Unshakable Faith in Unthinkable Circumstances.
Sometimes we choose to make sacrifices; we tighten our belts to pay for the education of our children, or we give up a treasured day off to help a friend in need. And then there are the sacrifices in which we have no say-like "Isaac experiences" as described in Genesis 22-which are thrust upon us without warning or survival instructions.
If you can only find time to read one book this year, make it Carol’s.
Michelle McKinney Hammond was, as usual, her amazing DIVA-self! With a contemporary message threaded with Biblical Truth from the Book of Esther, Michelle was captivating. Her anointing from the Holy Spirit is so evident every time she opens her mouth. Okay, maybe not EVERYTIME, but she’s a good 9 out of ten!
I love this woman and I’m excited to be sharing the platform with her at her first-ever DIVA CONFERENCE to be held in Chicago on January 13-15. You won’t want to miss this electrifying conference.
The Diva Principle – Chicago 2006 January 13-15
DIVA stands for: Divine Inspiration for a Victorious Attitude!
Michelle has spent her entire career involved in people's lives and in their living rooms, having moved effortlessly from top advertising creative professional to highly sought after voice-over talent to freelance writer, author, counselor, public speaker and television co-host.
And what can I say about my mentor and friend, Florence Littauer? A True Legend, every time I hear Florence speak I thank God for her gifts and for the desire He placed in her heart to help train speakers like me to help make a difference for God. Clearly a gem of a servant, Florence Littauer is the Founder of CLASS, check out their program to train Christian Leaders, Authors and Speakers.
Everyone’s favorite FBG (Former Bad Girl) Liz Curtis Higgs, once again captivated us with her powerful command of scripture and story-telling as she taught us a different view of the story of Leah and Rachel. With her trademark wit and comedy, she had us laughing and crying. I want to be like Liz when I grow up – she inspires me!
So folks, you won’t want to miss next years event scheduled for November 4, 2006. Visit THRIVE to find out how your church can host this amazing event.
THRIVE is a leadership development company devoted to developing women of courage and influence. Thrive specializes in cultivating women of confidence who are committed to honoring Christ and expressing His love through relationships. Women of purpose who prize the beauty God has given them and passionately display His goodness through all they do.
I don’t own stock in THRIVE, I don’t even get any kick-backs from books sold by these phenomenal sisters-in-Christ. My sole purpose in sharing this information with you is to encourage you to stay in tune with the men and women who are making a difference today in the Kingdom of God. Read their books, hear them speak when they are in your town, and above all, pray for them as they battle the enemy on the frontlines.
And that’s what’s on my mind today.

Thursday, November 10, 2005
God Answers Prayers – Veterans Day Salute to Our Military

It’s been a busy week as I’ve conducted literally dozens of radio interviews (live and taped) from my home office as our country prepares to honor the 24.9 million veterans in the United States. (For live radio broadcast interviews on Veterans Day, scroll down to the bottom of this posting.) Most of these interviews revolve around the power of prayer, and have very little to do with me and everything to do with the amazing men and women who have shared their true military stories with readers around the world.
I’ve been blessed to compile and edit God Answers Prayers Military Edition, an anthology from Harvest House Publishers that features stories from men and women of every branch of our military, and spanning decades of time to include our current world conflict and historic moments like WWI, WWII, Viet Nam, the Korean War, Pearl Harbor, the Civil War, and the Battle of Normandy—all these real life memories are woven together with the powerful thread of prayer.
As we watch the military presence around the world from our armchairs, we as civilians can gain a better perspective on just what military families go through, and how the power of prayer changes those situations, through reading the true short stories in God Answers Prayers Military Edition.
We know our President is a person of prayer, and through reading the powerful true stories in this new book, we can also see that many of the military men and women serving under him also tap into the same source of strength.
Please visit Crosswalk.com the next three days to read stories from God Answers Prayers Military Edition. The first story being featured on Crosswalk.com is from Jean Wise from Edon, Ohio. Jean shared a letter from Dan and the story is titled: Mail from Iraq: An American Soldier Writes Home. I’ve included a few paragraphs from Dan’s powerful letter; you’ll want to read the entire story.
… Mosul has become the key battleground area in Iraq right now. The media liked to use that phrase "battleground" to describe states like Ohio and Pennsylvania during the U.S. election. Well, up here, the "campaign" is of a slightly higher caliber.
… A sergeant from the first vehicle managed to get to the wounded soldier, moving toward him under fire and applying first aid. As he placed a lifesaving tourniquet around the specialist’s severed leg, we arrived to secure the area. Medics quickly evacuated the young soldier to the hospital. I removed his foot with the boot still on it from the vehicle. It could only have been God’s protection no one died and only one was severely injured.
… While some days are better than others and the news media sensationalizes the casualties, please remember there is an incredible amount of good being done for the Iraqi public. Good things largely being ignored by the media. About a week after we arrived back in Mosul the second time, we revisited the school. We were thrilled to watch the kids play a soccer game on the field we built. The teachers kept thanking and thanking us. The school is thriving and educating the future of Iraq.
… One of the guys from my company showed me the book of Nahum this evening. I must admit I’ve studied very little about Nahum. In Nahum, God speaks about the city of Nineveh and would you believe Mosul is built on and around ancient Nineveh? In fact, the locals say that Jonah is buried in the middle of the city. Nahum 1:7-8 states, "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him, but with an overwhelming flood he will make an end of Nineveh." I am sure Nahum was not referring to the present, but a flood of war has definitely come to this city Nahum’s description of Nineveh is full of violence and destruction, but I will continue to cling to his message of comfort in verse 7: "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble."
Read the entire story at Crosswalk.com.
Taken from God Answers Prayers: Military Edition by Allison Bottke, with Cheryll Hutchings and Jennifer Devlin. Copyright © 2005 by Allison Bottke. Published by Harvest House Publishers, Eugene OR. Used with permission.
I’m also honored to be a guest on Janet Parshall’s America, both on radio today (live at 1:30 PM Central Time) and being rebroadcast on TV tomorrow, to share this wonderful collection of true military stories of answered prayer. Please join us in thanking our brave military men and women.
The History of Veterans Day
Veterans Day originated as “Armistice Day” on Nov. 11, 1918. Its purpose: to commemorate the end of World War I. First proclaimed by Congress in 1926 and each year thereafter, Armistice Day became “Veterans Day” in 1954 as a result of legislation signed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The name was changed to honor all who served the nation in wars or conflicts. Veterans Day has been observed annually on this date since 1978, except for a brief period when it was celebrated on the fourth Monday of October.
God Bless America. And, may God continue to bless our Veterans and the military men and women currently serving our great country.
Veterans Day – Friday, November 11, 2005
Allison’s Live Radio Broadcasts
8:10 – 8:15 AM (Central Time)
KCBI, The Morning Program in Arlington, TX w/ Host Ron Harris
11:40 - 11:50 AM (Central Time)
KBJS, Take 5 in Jacksonville, TX w/ Host Eddie Baiseri (taped)
1:20 – 1:40 PM (Central Time)
WMCA 570, The Kevin McCullough Show in Hasbrouck Heights, NJ
2:10 - 2:18 PM (Central Time)
WKES Radio, Along the Way in St. Petersburg, FL w/ Host Ruth Dinwiddie
2:30 - 2:45 PM (Central Time)
KNKT, ABQ Connect with Peter Benson in Albuquerque, NM
3:15 – 3:30 PM (Central Time)
KJSL AM 630, The Debra Peppers Show in St. Louis, MO w/ Guest Host Duke Duvall
4:10 – 4;50 PM (Central Time)
KFAX 1100 AM Life Line in Fremont, CA w/ Host Pam Christian
Veterans Facts
24.9 million The number of military veterans in the United States.(From the upcoming Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2004-2005.)
1.7 millionThe number of veterans who are women. (From the upcoming Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2004-2005.)
9.7 million The number of veterans who are age 65 or over. (From the upcoming Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2004-2005.)
2.4 millionThe number of black veterans. Additionally, 1.1 million veterans are Hispanic; 272,000 are Asian; 159,000 are American Indian or Alaska native; and 30,000 are native Hawaiian and other Pacific islander. (The numbers for blacks, Asians, American Indians and Alaska natives and native Hawaiians and other Pacific islanders cover only those reporting a single race.)
8.2 millionNumber of Vietnam-era veterans. Vietnam veterans account for more than 3-in-10 veterans, the largest share of any period of service. The next largest share of wartime veterans, 4.4 million or nearly 2-in-10, served during World War II. (From the upcoming Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2004-2005.)
16% Percentage of Persian Gulf War veterans who are women. In contrast, women account for 5 percent of World War II vets, 3 percent of Vietnam vets and 2 percent of Korean War vets. (From the upcoming Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2004-2005.)381,000 Number of veterans who served during both the Vietnam era and the Desert Storm era (August 1990 or later).
Hard data to grasp, isn't it? Even harder to grasp when listening to folks rail against the brave men and women who are fighting in Iraq today to keep the fighting off of our soil.
But let's save that argument for another day, okay?
For now, let's ask God to bless our Veterans on their special day.
And that's what's on my mind today.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005
While I have not been WRITING a BLOG, I have most assuredly been READING them. There's some mighty fine stuff out there in the Blogosphere. I'll be featuring what I think are some of today's PREMIERE BLOGS in upcoming posts. Please note the words "what I think." This is my personal opinion and you need to know this BLOG is not a democracy, it's run by me, a Benevolent Dictator, (as my new friend La Shawn Barber calls herself.)
After reading THE EMBARASSED BELIEVER by Hugh Hewitt, I finally decided to get off my newly-turned-fifty-backside and make the choice to speak up. If you read the text in the right sidebar you'll find that I'm planning to BLOG primarily about six main topics. The common thread in all of my opinions will be to speak the truth in boldness.
It's time we realized that the choices we make really do change the story of our life! CHOICES is a key word.
In the words of Albert Finney from the classic film, Network, "I'm mad as H--l and I'm not gonna take it anymore!"
Stay tuned for the u-turns journey of making choices for Christ that will change our life!
Welcome readers. Come back soon.
And that's what's on my mind today.