"The choices we make change
the story of our life." ©
Friday, December 30, 2005
New Year Resolutions
If you’re anything like me (and a lot of my fellow Brothers and Sisters-in-Christ) chances are that your list of New Year Resolutions includes something to do with spending more time in God’s Word. Every New Year I vow that this year I’m going to read a Daily Devotional every day. Every New Year I vow that this year I’m going to memorize more Scripture. How about you? Do you start the year out with the very best of intentions regarding your spiritual health? But like me, do you sometimes find it difficult to stay on track as the months fly by?
As we come to the end of another year and begin to look ahead, is your heart telling you to spend more time getting to know God and His amazing plan for your life? If so, have I got great news to share with you today!
Every single day of the year, my friend and Brother-in-Christ Duke DuVall records a MOMENT OF INSPIRATION that people can listen to free of charge from anywhere in the world. I receive my MOMENT OF INSPIRATION via my E-mail every day. When it’s convenient, I simply click on the link and voila! I can hear Duke’s voice as he shares a five to seven minute daily inspirational message. Duke’s daily messages are scripturally sound and they always make me think...they always draw me closer to the God who loves me.
An influencer of the influential, Duke DuVall has delivered messages on success, leadership, motivation, employee productivity, sales and management training, and organizational problem resolution for more than eighteen years. He currently speaks regularly to leaders in business, education, the arts, and the faith-based and charitable communities.
A little about Duke ...
Duke DuVall’s popular MOMENT OF INSPIRATION is a five-minute, scripturally-based, teaching recorded new each day, and is accessible 24-hours a day, by phone or by internet (toll free 1-800-939-5689 or on the web site at LIFTING LIVES) and has proven to be a source of encouragement to individuals and families nationwide. DuVall’s familiarity with the ingredients for business success began early in life. He is the son of M.F. DuVall Jr., a former U.S. Navy pilot who joined Duke’s grandfather, Milton DuVall Sr., in transforming both the political and business arena of their day. While Duke’s father managed the combined family businesses, Duke’s grandfather served four terms in the Missouri state legislature before his election to two terms as president of Best Western International, the world’s largest hotel brand. You can read more about my friend Duke by visiting his web site.
In the mean time, here’s a message directly from Duke DuVall to you.
God is so incredible and faithful. Yet such a powerful reality and promise can be easy not to receive. We all are hopelessly human and are at best fragile in our understanding of the world and the life that we live. Our human wisdom can put people on the moon, send satellites to far away planets and predict earthquakes, yet the same wisdom is futile when it comes to experiencing true joy. True joy is only given from the simple yet not easy action of trusting God. Trusting is so much harder than believing. Yet God is clear in his word that if we will trust Him, He will give us a quality of life on earth and eternity that exceeds our greatest capacity of human understanding.
From Allison …
As the year comes to a close, may I encourage you to sign up today to receive your daily MOMENT OF INSPIRATION. Make 2006 the year that you develop an intimate relationship with God that will change your life. Let Duke's insightful messages jump start your day as you delve more deeply into Scripture. Make 2006 the year that you make another U-Turn in your life toward walking closer with the One who matters most.
Please share the MOMENT OF INSPIRATION with everyone you love and care for. Remember, God loves them infinitely more than we ever could…let's remind them of that.
May God bless and keep you.
See you next year!
And that’s what’s on my mind today.

Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas to All
It’s a cool 32 degrees here in southern Minnesota. A light snowfall can be seen from our front windows, as my husband and I sit here in front of a roaring fire. He’s got the remote control—channel surfing. I’m sitting with my laptop, thankful for my wireless connection that allows me to write in any room—and wondering why I seldom take advantage of this ability. I seldom write anywhere but in my office. I’ll have to add this to my list of New Year resolutions… spend more time writing in other rooms of house.
It’s Christmas Sunday. We attended church last night with the family. At the end of the candlelight service our Pastor carried a live baby lamb on stage. A beautiful, tender, innocent, and soft baby lamb. The symbolism was palpable.
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
Happy birthday, Jesus.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
And that’s what’s on my mind today.

Friday, December 23, 2005
Christmas Message from Lutheran Pastor Dr. Dale Meyer
Once again I'm sharing The Meyer Minute. I know Dr. Meyer personally, and he shares thought-provoking Christian inspiration at its best. Enjoy.
*** The Meyer Minute for December 23, 2005 ***
“It came to pass in those days…” Who would have thought that God worksthrough the mundane things of daily life?
“…there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus.” Who would have thoughtthat God uses government for His great purposes?
“And Joseph also went up…with Mary his espoused wife, being great withchild.” Who would have thought that God works blessings though ourinconveniences?
“She brought forth her firstborn son…” Who would have thought birth isthe way God chooses to come into our world?
“and laid him in a manger.” God in a feed box? And who would think thebirth announcement would go first to minimum wage workers on the nightshift? Who would have thought that the shepherds were hurrying on thestreets because God had quickened their steps? “Let us now go even untoBethlehem and see this thing which is come to pass.”
Who thought back “in those days” that God is in the mundane things ofdaily life? “Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.” And today, it is still true. God bless you in these days as you celebratethe birth of God’s Son, Immanuel, God with us. Routine made divine. “This is the day the Lord has made” (Psalm 118:24).
Copyright © Dale A Meyer 2005 http://www.daleameyer.com
And that's what's on my mind today.
Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 15, 2005
New Book Covers

Here are the new covers of the newest books in the God Allows U-Turns compilation series. I tried to upload them with the previous post, but alas I was unsuccessful. We think the designers for Bethany House Publishers did a great job on the new cover design. What do you think?
The overall look will remain the same for all future volumes with colors and graphics changing to reflect the various book themes. We are currently acquiring true short stories for books featuring Couples, Moms, Families, and Triumph Over Adversity. Make sure to check out our Writers Guidelines at our God Allows U-Turns web site.
Blessings to all!

Authors Announced for Two New Books in the God Allows U-Turns Book Series
Okay, it's been way too long since my last posting, I know that. I'm totally envious of my fellow authors and speakers who somehow manage to do it all and still post on their blogs daily. (Case in point; Terry Whalin and Brandilynn Collins) Geeze Louise! As a Christian, I know I'm not supposed to envy ... but hey, I fall victim to the demon from time to time, ya know?
We've been hard at work proofing the galley copies of the next two books in the God Allows U-Turns compilation series. For those of you who might not know what that means, a "galley" is the final copy that comes to us from the publisher in "typeset form." (Remember that word ... typeset?) :-) This is our last chance to review names, bios, text, and virtually everything about the book before it goes to press. The final manuscripts will also undergo another edit (or two) after this one. Whew! It's been a caraaazeeee year for me - five book deadlines in 2005.
But today we are pleased to announce the final list of 106 contributing authors whose true short stories will appear in the two new books: God Allows U-Turns - The Choices Women Make and God Allows U-Turns - The Choices Teens Make. It's a long process, reading, editing, and selecting the final stories to be published. We received over 2,000 stories for consideration for these volumes. Both books release in March 2006 by Bethany House Publishers.
We're working on multiple volumes for future publication, so make sure to check out our Writers Guidelines and send us your true short story for possible inclusion in a future volume of God Allows U-Turns!
Speaking of God allowing u-turns, there is an interesting post by Dave on the Faith in Fiction blog about Ann Rice, her new faith journey and her new book. Check it out.
And that's what's on my mind today.
Merry Christmas. (Not "Happy Holiday" .... MERRY CHRISTMAS!)

Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Pyromarketing Advice from Terry Whalin
Terry Whalin with you today. Terry has graciously pointed out a free marketing product you’ll want to take advantage of. Check out his Pyromarketing advice now at The Writing Life.
Here's a little sample of Terry's blog posting today ...
An Unusual Marketing Gift
It’s the season for gift giving. Over the weekend, I stumbled on an unusual gift for every writer and editor (and marketing person) interested in how products are sold. You will learn why mass marketing isn’t working any more? I’ve blogged about PyroMarketing a bit in the past at these spots: Introduction to Pyromarketing, Powerful Marketing Insight, and A Marketing Plan for Every Book. If you read these other posts, you will see the innovation that I believe is evident in this book—and that I’ve read every word of it.
Thanks Terry for your insight .. and for sharing it with us!
Say, I encourage ya'll to check out the web site and new blog of Heather Gemmen the author of Startling Beauty ...
Heather Gemmen, writer, speaker, freelance editor, and dear friend has launched her new blog. Check out the wisdom of this talented Christian chick at her FAT RED PEN blog.
Greetings to all! I’m back to work after a brief holiday. With literally hundreds of emails awaiting me, and a stack of snail mail the size of a small farm animal, I’m afraid my work is once again cut out for me. That said, howz about I pass the proverbial buck and share the post of fellow blogger Here's a little sample of Terry's blog posting today ...
An Unusual Marketing Gift
It’s the season for gift giving. Over the weekend, I stumbled on an unusual gift for every writer and editor (and marketing person) interested in how products are sold. You will learn why mass marketing isn’t working any more? I’ve blogged about PyroMarketing a bit in the past at these spots: Introduction to Pyromarketing, Powerful Marketing Insight, and A Marketing Plan for Every Book. If you read these other posts, you will see the innovation that I believe is evident in this book—and that I’ve read every word of it.
Thanks Terry for your insight .. and for sharing it with us!
Say, I encourage ya'll to check out the web site and new blog of Heather Gemmen the author of Startling Beauty ...
Heather Gemmen, writer, speaker, freelance editor, and dear friend has launched her new blog. Check out the wisdom of this talented Christian chick at her FAT RED PEN blog.