"The choices we make change
the story of our life." ©

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Marketing Your Brand

DAY THREE - Steve Laube, Literary Agent
Guest Blogger for God Allows U-Turns

I've been asked a number of times if it is important for an author to be involved with the marketing of their own book. The answer is a resounding, "YES!!" In fact publishers prefer to work with authors who can bring a ready made audience or are energetic in pursuing the development of their brand and their name visibility. Allison Bottke is one of the most tireless and productive authors I know. She works every day in finding new ways to promote and develop the reach of the God Allow U-Turns ministry.

I'm a firm believer that a book does not have a ministry unless it is read. And a book will not be read until it is purchased. So for a book to have an effective ministry one absolutely must give thought to the marketing and sales process. Some may think this sounds too commercial and worldly.

Granted, but it doesn't change the facts. Until a book is in someone's hands and they sit and begin to read, the words will not have the chance to be heard. Some writers eschew the marketing and sales side of the equation...to their detriment. The most successful books have both solid writing/message combined with energetic marketing and sales efforts.