"The choices we make change
the story of our life." ©

Thursday, March 23, 2006


Day Four - U-turns and Zigzags

Day Four - Letting go.

For me, discerning God’s call to do something new is frightening, but far more terrifying is God’s call to STOP doing something. When He coaxed me to set aside the dance and drama ministry that I believed was my life work, I fought Him to the limit of my strength. One of my life’s most painful U-turns was the decision to resign from my position with CrossCurrent.

Although I continued to serve Christ as a wife and mom, I felt lost without a clear focus of ministry. Those years of feeling that God had put me on a shelf taught me how much I’d measured my value by my accomplishments. In some ways, I’d let my zeal for serving Him get in the way of knowing Him and loving Him. He led me to still waters, even though I preferred whitewater.

I wrote about the struggle to discern a new path in Jane Kise’s book, Finding and Following God’s Will.

Is there a volunteer position, job, or role that God has been nudging you to set aside for this season of your life? He may have something new to put into your hands, but is waiting for you to release your grip on something old. And if you are standing before Him with empty hands, trust that He isn’t finished with you. Even during seasons that feel dry and empty, your life is making a difference.

Tomorrow: More about how God put a pen into my empty hand.

Until then,
Sharon Hinck