"The choices we make change
the story of our life." ©

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Tricia Goyer--Day Six of Seven

Over the past few days I've shared some pretty major U-Turns in my life. By seeking to "see what God was doing and joining Him" I've been privledged to help start a crisis pregnancy center, launch teen mom support groups, and write articles, non-fiction books, and novels. What an amazing God we serve!

Of course, to three of the four people who know me best . . . I'm just mom. They see me, faults and all, and love me just the same. I have some pretty cool things I can be proud of, but these kids for sure are my greatest joy. (Ahh . . .)

And so it's no wonder why the next biggest U-Turn in my life has the writing of Generation NeXt Parenting. I'm passionate about this project because I truly believe God placed us Gen Xers in a specific generation as children (80s rule!) in order for us to become a generation of parents designed to fulfill His chosen purposes.

In the crazy way God works, Generation X has been chosen to parent the next generation of powerful men and women of God!

My goal in writing this book is to remind young parents that God knows what He’s doing. He has a perfect plan for giving us these kids during this time in history. Gen Xers need to remember that He hasn’t left us to do this job alone. And while readers may find many helpful suggestions in the pages of Genernation NeXt Parenting, my ultimate hope is that through the pages of this book they will build a deeper connection with God. Afterall, He can provide far more parenting help and guidance than any book ever could!

Until Generation NeXt Parenting hits the shelves in September I have a blog for Gen X Parents. It's for those of us born between 1961-1981, dealing with the unique challenges young parents face. If you're a Gen Xer (or just wish you could understand us!) check it out. Gen Xers love being real and building meaningful relationships, and I'm excited doing both through this blog and this book!

And as for the fourth person who knows me best . . . well, I'm excited to be in the process of writing Generation NeXt Marriage. After all, I love my kids best by loving their dad most.

Tricia Goyer