"The choices we make change
the story of our life." ©

Monday, April 10, 2006


Thank You to Our Recent GUEST BLOGGER - Tricia Goyer

Greetings to All!

Wow! Once again I'm praising God for sending us another fabulous Guest Blogger! If you have not read the past seven days of postings from author and speaker TRICIA GOYER, then I encourage you to take some time to scroll down and read. Bless you, Tricia!

What an amazing heart this woman has. And wow, can she ever write! If you love historic fiction, I encourage you to pick up any of her novels...you won't want to put them down once you start (trust me, I speak from experience!)

And her completely transparent and totally helpful books on teenage pregnancy and her personal abortion journey are touching hearts and changing lives around the world. An amazing collection of serious work for one so young.

Join me in wishing Tricia Goyer the best in her upcoming adoption journey - and in her ongoing writing career. This is a Daughter of the King you will want to remember! You go girl!

I'm in Florida this week ... actually, I'll be here for the remainder of the month working on my second novel. I'll do my best to post regularly. However, in the event I don't get a chance to return this week - make sure to check back this coming Sunday when our next God Allows U-Turns Guest Blogger begins a week of postings that are certain to engage, encourage, and equip you! HEATHER GEMMEN, the author of Startling Beauty will be our next Guest Blogger. Tell your friends. Come back and see us, ya hear?

God's peace and protection.

And that's what's on my mind today.